
6 Million Patient Cases Handled on Doctrin’s Platform


Doctrin is Sweden’s leading platform provider for digital and physical healthcare, supporting healthcare providers since 2016 in intelligently digitizing and automating the patient journey. Now, healthcare providers on Doctrin’s platform have handled over 6 million patient cases, with only 0.2% of the cases referred to emergency care.

Seeking and receiving care through digital services has become natural for many. More healthcare providers have improved their digital accessibility for patients in recent years, and the development is progressing rapidly. Today, over 350 healthcare clinics in Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom, in primary and specialist care, handle their incoming patient cases on Doctrin’s platform every day.

Doctrin reaches a new milestone with over 6 million patient cases managed on the platform. Based on data from Doctrin’s platform, the company has analyzed which age groups seek digital care and how these cases are handled by healthcare providers.

The analysis shows that individuals contacting and receiving digital assistance are distributed across different age groups. The largest group seeking care through a digital gateway is aged between 30 and 44 (28%). Furthermore, the analysis reveals that 19% of those seeking digital care from their healthcare provider through Doctrin’s platform are 60 years or older. As for the younger population, the age group of 15-29 accounts for 21% of the cases. This differs from previous reports indicating that a large proportion of digital healthcare contacts (compared to physical visits in primary care in Sweden) are made by young adults (Sveriges kommuner och regioner, 2021).

According to the analysis, 79% of all digitally submitted cases are handled entirely through digital means by healthcare providers. In practice, this means that patients do not need a physical visit to the clinic in order to receive care. It also means that 21% of the cases are referred to an in-person appointment. Of all the cases, only 0.2% are referred to an emergency department, and 0.4% to urgent care. Thus, over 99% of the cases received do not require emergency healthcare resources.

“We are pleased and proud to reach the milestone of 6 million patient cases on Doctrin’s platform. The analysis shows that digital tools are an important part of the toolbox that healthcare has to help patients of all ages. However, digital healthcare encounters are not, and should not be, a separate silo. It should be an integrated part of the patient journey that streamlines administrative work and makes healthcare accessible. Those who can receive digital assistance should do so, as it frees up time for those who need in-person visits to get them faster. From experience, we know that healthcare works best for both patients and employees when there is continuity of care, meaning patients get to see the same healthcare contact, regardless of how they seek care. Our platform enables our customers to offer that continuity to their patients,” says Anna-Karin Edstedt Bonamy, Medical Specialist and CEO of Doctrin.

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